Thursday, July 4, 2024

Creating a new future but still being affected by the past is a kind of spiritual bypassing and may not work in the long term. That's why healing the past is essential in creating a healthy future.

That's why "forced" affirmations and positive thinking may not work when the body needs to be healed. It goes hand in hand. When the body or another part of our being is healed, liberated, something new has to be created. Some change needs to happen. Otherwise, the system may catch us back into old conditionings.

Loving yourself, your partner, and all others is constant work, a spiritual practice - like all those practices require the discipline alternated with rest that gives integration to the process.

If our faith is strong, we may move mountains. But for our faith to be without doubts, we have to heal our wounds and liberate ourselves from the conditionings we didn't choose.

For further reading, I recommend you see the chapter: "What You Have to Do After a Tantra Retreat."

Michal Kali Griks

World Peace Singing Rainbow Gathering

